Jenkins ' pay remitted to Holy Cross



While some college lead e rs ’ sa laries a re climbing into the millions of dollars , the total c o m p e n s a t i o n fo r N o t r e D a m e ’s p r e s i d e n t w a s la s t r eg is te red a t ju s t $476,325. W h a t e v e r t h e s u m , in U niversity P re s id en t F a th e r Jo h n J e n k in s ’ c a se , i t ’s his r e l i g i o u s o r d e r — t h e I n d i a n a P r o v in c e of th e P r ies ts of the Holy Cross — th a t r e a p s the benefits , not his bank account. T h e C h ro n ic le o f H ig h e r E d u c a t i o n ’s a n n u a l “E x e c u t iv e C o m p e n s a t io n ” r e p o r t l is ts th e s a l a r i e s of public and private university leaders. While repo rte rs may access the 2006-7 m e a s u re ­ m ents for public schools, fig­ u r e s fo r p r i v a t e s c h o o l s become available w hen their tax forms a re re leased , n e a r ­ ly tw o y e a r s l a t e r . T h e $476,325 nu m b er thus co rre ­ s p o n d s to U n iv e r s i ty P r e s id e n t E m e r i tu s F a th e r E dw ard Malloy’s final year, 2004-5. Of th e le a d e r s in th e 853 u n i v e r s i t i e s , c o l l e g e s a n d specialized schools surveyed, A u d r e y D o b e r s t e i n o f D e l a w a r e ’s W i lm in g to n College — who s tepped down in June of 2005 — garnered the h ighest pay, with a total com pensation of $2,746,241.

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تاریخ انتشار 2014